14 years since the death of the first author of Romani grammar in Macedonia - Shaip Yusuf

On January 30, marks the 14th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Romani language in Macedonia, Professor Shaip Yusuf. He died in Skopje in 2010.

Shaip Yusuf was born in 1933. He studied at the University of Belgrade to become a professor of physical culture. Shaip Yusuf was one of the organizers of the First Roma Congress, held in London in 1971, and was a leading member of the IRU. Shaip Yusuf is the author of the first Romani grammar in Macedonia. He finished the manuscript for this grammar in 1973, while together with Krume Kepeski, a grammar of the Rosmese language, it was published only in 1980 in an edition of 3,000 copies by the publishing house "Nasha kniga" in Skopje.

More significant works in his rich history are "Amen siam e Titoskere, o Tito si amaro" – "We are Titos, Tito is ours" in 1978 in Serbian-Croatian edition by Drago Zdunic. For his work and all that he did, today in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, the secondary school is named after him.

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