Actress - naturist Ljubica Adžović guessed on the map to feed her 9 children. A meeting with Emir Kusturica and his life changed!

Ljubica Adžović is an actress who I watched in the productions "Dom za besenje" and "Black cat, white cat", directed by Emir Kusturica. The well-known director said that for him filming with Ljubica was "the most exciting experience in his career", and many people don't know that she was a naturist and that she was chosen to star in the film fortune teller.

A Roma woman in whom Kusturica saw "good potential for acting", she played the role of Baba Kadi in the film "Home for the Mad". Kusturica found Ljubica in a Roma house in the small town of Zaograd, not far from Sutomore. He was fascinated by her natural talent and charisma, launched him into the world of film, and she was grateful to him for that.

Her talent was so authentic that many saw her as a true professional. Ljubica received an award for her role at the Cannes Film Festival in 1992. After this success, Ljubica appeared again in Kusturica's film "Black Cat, White Cat". In that project, she called Branka Katić, a colleague she worked with, "a true granddaughter". Although she was offered roles in Germany, she refused because she wanted to work only with Kusturica. Despite her success in the world of film, Ljubica Adžović decided to return to her previous profession - reading fortunes from cards on the beach in Sutomore.

She had nine children, and no one was able to find out the exact number of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. When I asked her why she was looking at the map, she said "to feed all his children".

She was born in Skopje and lived in Bar. Towards the end of her life, she stayed for a long time in France and Sweden. Not long after her return to Montenegro in 2006, she began a short illness at the age of 82.

Emir Kusturica, who was a close associate and friend of Ljubica Adžović, expressed deep regret for her death. "She was a talent that is rarely born." I loved working with Ljubica. The gift was an unforgettable pleasure and experience for me as a director. "I am sorry for your untimely death," he said to Ljubica.



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