
Good news for those who want to work in Germany

The German Bundestag has adopted migration laws, facilitating the migration of expert staff required in the labor market in Germany.

The package consists of seven laws, but it will also allow the expulsion of those who do not have the right to asylum.

It is very important for Germany to provide a professional workforce.

The adopted laws allow people from non-EU countries to come and work in all areas, not only in deficient trades.
Qualified workers for six months can stay in Germany and look for work.

For all who want to work in Germany - find out prices and information how to get there

If you consider that as a car technician in Germany you can earn up to 4500 euros a month, while you rent up to 900 euros for renting a two-bedroom apartment, and bottled water in packages of six bottles of 1.5 liters costs about 2 euros, definitely it would not be bad to take into account the following information.

Roma in Albania

Disputed census of population in 2011 in Albania, live 8.301 Roma. The Roma minority is in all over Albania. The origin of the Roma minority in Albania, or the local Roma, originated in the tribe: "Meckar".

This minority is one of the most integrated and most pro-active minorities that have come to Albania since the 13th (thirteenth) Century, came from Montenegro, from Greece and from Turkey.

Those who come from Turkey are housed in the capital of Albania in Tirana.

In Albania, there are also other Roma so-called tribes such as "Karabugsii", "Chargars" and "Kurtofite". Arbuzit, are located in Devol (Korcha and Bilisht), while the so-called "Chargers" are located in the places Fier, Pecin and Elbasan.

According to the 2011 census statistics in Albania, registered as citizens living in Albania, there are 8,301 Roma.

Prilep Roma from the settlement "Tri Bagrema" are asking - Are we second-class people?

In Prilep besides other nationalities, living and Roma settlements that have existed for centuries in this city.

In a recent visit to several Roma settlements such as the Roma from Trizla and Tri Bagrema, speaking about their needs, they point out the need for infrastructure problems.

As they say, they say they are interesting for the authorities only when there are elections, and then they are forgotten.

In that sense they remind that they do not meet the infrastructure needs such as water and sewage networks, as well as the road infrastructure.

There are no asphalted roads to their homes, and when the weather conditions are rainy, there is a real flood there.

Children are forced to mud and faeces to pass a task to the schools.
The appeal to them is that it is necessary for the local government and the state to pay more attention to their needs, and not just during election campaigns, to come, to promise, and all that to stay.

They say that this time has ended and that in the future they will pay more attention to the water supply, road infrastructure and legalization of their habitats

City Counselor from Tuzla Jusic accuses: Roma money is embezzled, to re-examine the quality of constructed facilities destined for Roma

A councilor in the Tuzla municipality, BiH, recently accused the media of abusing funds intended for building facilities for Roma on the territory of BiH.

He cited, for example, the HILSWERK organization from Austria who implemented the six-unit block project for the project "ROMA ACTION" Tuzla and damaged the budget of the town of Tuzla and the European Commission.

 "Funds in the amount of 40,000 euros, Hilswerk International Austria, received from the city of Tuzla 20,000 euros in 2013 and 20,000 euros in 2014. In addition to those 40 thousand euros, the same organization and the European Commission received another 120,000 euros, "said Jusich.

According to him, someone made control of the construction of those 6 housing units in Kiseljak.

According to the findings, these six facilities are not built according to the project drawings.
There are also derogations from the quality used in the material and no additional elements are built within the frames of those objects that stand in the plan itself.

"As an example, it was pointed out that in the rooms were to be installed parquet of first class, but laminate flooring, which does not correspond to the quality of the first class, and many other flaws, was placed.

All findings from the court expert will be forwarded to the EC and other international institutions, said Jusich.


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