Good news for those who want to work in Germany

The German Bundestag has adopted migration laws, facilitating the migration of expert staff required in the labor market in Germany.

The package consists of seven laws, but it will also allow the expulsion of those who do not have the right to asylum.

It is very important for Germany to provide a professional workforce.

The adopted laws allow people from non-EU countries to come and work in all areas, not only in deficient trades.
Qualified workers for six months can stay in Germany and look for work.

For all who want to work in Germany - find out prices and information how to get there

If you consider that as a car technician in Germany you can earn up to 4500 euros a month, while you rent up to 900 euros for renting a two-bedroom apartment, and bottled water in packages of six bottles of 1.5 liters costs about 2 euros, definitely it would not be bad to take into account the following information.

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