Prilep Roma from the settlement "Tri Bagrema" are asking - Are we second-class people?

In Prilep besides other nationalities, living and Roma settlements that have existed for centuries in this city.

In a recent visit to several Roma settlements such as the Roma from Trizla and Tri Bagrema, speaking about their needs, they point out the need for infrastructure problems.

As they say, they say they are interesting for the authorities only when there are elections, and then they are forgotten.

In that sense they remind that they do not meet the infrastructure needs such as water and sewage networks, as well as the road infrastructure.

There are no asphalted roads to their homes, and when the weather conditions are rainy, there is a real flood there.

Children are forced to mud and faeces to pass a task to the schools.
The appeal to them is that it is necessary for the local government and the state to pay more attention to their needs, and not just during election campaigns, to come, to promise, and all that to stay.

They say that this time has ended and that in the future they will pay more attention to the water supply, road infrastructure and legalization of their habitats

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