
Romani filmmakers tell Disney: We want real Romani people in the live action remake of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, involve Romani people in the creative team!

"We aren't mythical creatures! We are Roma!"

That was the motto recently used by Romani activists and filmmakers calling on The Walt Disney Company to cast actors with Romani roots in the planned live action remake of their animated 1996 version of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. According to Robert Poupátko, a screenwriter and member of Tuke.TV, which initiated the action, the challenge was born of frustration with the longterm nature of the insufficient, stereotypical portrayals of Romani people in film and the media. The call has been joined by the British director Lisa Smith, screenwriter Damian Le Bas, producer Alica Sigmund Heráková of Tuke.TV and others. “I read an article reporting that Josh Gad, who is also the producer of this live action version, will play Quasimodo. I was not happy to hear that news. In the Disney version of this story, Quasimodo is a Romani man, so a Romani man should play him,” Poupátko told news server

“I was frustrated by how films and serials constantly depict us. Then [Tomáš Magnusek] made a fourth film in the ‘Bastards’ (Bastardi) series and I lost patience. I knew it was important to put this call out in the public space, no matter what,” said the screenwriter and member of Tuke.TV.

Poupátko explained in an interview for that the main aim of the call is to achieve authentic depictions of Romani characters in feature films. He emphasized the importance of involving Romani people not just on camera, but also in the creative team and as consultants.

He has also been criticizing the fact that the Romani roots of famous characters from the Marvel Universe, such as Dr. Doom and Wanda Maximoff, are being ignored [Marvel Studios is one of the six production companies that make up The Walt Disney Studios]. “Disney ignores us regularly. The most famous [examples of Romani culture being ignored in Marvel] are Wanda Maximoff and Dr. Doom. Their powers come from their Romani origin, from their roots,” Popátko said.

The Walt Disney Company announced in 2019 that it is filming a live action remake of the classic 1996 animated Disney film “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, based on the novel by Victor Hugo. At the time the company said it would be a musical and that Alan Menken, who composed the music for the original animated film, would compose music for the live action version together with Stephen Schwartz.

The screenplay is being written by David Henry Hwang. The actor Josh Gad is producing.

In mid-2023, according to the media, work on the film stopped and it is not clear whether it will ever be completed. “The film is in limbo for now. That doesn’t mean it will never be made, though. Josh Gad is still promoting it and says the project isn’t dead. All we can do is wait,” Poupátko told





Double standards towards the Roma in Bulgaria, if you are a successful representative of the country then it doesn't matter which nationality you belong to, if you are a criminal then you are a Roma!

Bozidar Andreev, a Roma by nationality, at the last Olympic Games in Paris, won a medal representing Bulgaria as a member of its national team. All the media reported that sports news, alluding that he successfully represented his country, where at no point is his nationality mentioned, but he is suddenly a pure-blooded Bulgarian.

But in the meantime, a Roma suspect of theft in a local supermarket in Bulgaria, then the local media mention that he is a gypsy (Migan, mangal). And see interestingly, that suspect for that theft does not associate it with the Bulgarian nation.

This reflects a wider societal issue of selective recognition and systemic bias, where the Roma community is 'accepted' as part of the national identity in times of success, but is otherwise marginalized and left with a negative connotation.

Segregation of Roma children in Macedonia!

In a press release, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights announced that the Basic Civil Court determined the segregation of Roma children in the educational process. The full text of the Health Committee's announcement follows.

The basic civil court in Skopje established that the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MTSP), the Ministry of Health (MOH), the State Education Inspectorate (SIP), the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality Shtip committed discrimination - segregation of Roma children in the educational process.

The court determined that discrimination - segregation of Roma children was committed by:

– The Government, the Ministry of Education, the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality of Shtip by not taking, that is, failing to take actions to arrange the method of re-zoning in order to avoid possible segregation.

- The Government, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education and Culture by not taking, that is, failing to take actions to control the rezoning decisions made by the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality of Shtip; about the way of implementation of rezoning decisions in practice; about the method of enrolling Roma children in schools.

– The Government, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality of Shtip by not taking, that is, failing to take actions for an even and appropriate distribution of Roma students with other ethnic communities in classes; they did not undertake or failed to undertake activities for the process of desegregation in schools where there are segregated classes with Roma children; they did not take, that is, they failed to take actions to sanction the acts of discrimination committed by elementary schools.

– The Government, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Education and Culture by not taking, that is, failing to take actions to adopt legal and by-laws for detailed regulation of the way of categorization of children with special needs, especially Roma children; they did not take, that is, they failed to take actions to adopt legal and by-laws for the detailed regulation of the composition of the Commissions and the procedure for revising their decisions; did not take, that is, failed to take actions for the recategorization of inappropriately categorized Roma children studying in special schools.

- The Government, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Municipality of Bitola and Municipality of Shtip by not taking, that is, failing to take actions to educate all stakeholders in the educational system and the parents of the children in order to facilitate recognition and fight against acts of discrimination.

The court ordered all the defendant authorities to take all necessary actions for the desegregation of Roma children in the educational system and to take all actions for the recategorization of Roma children studying in special schools. In addition, the Court ordered the defendants to publish in the media the pronouncement of this verdict, in an accessible format, within 15 days after receiving the verdict.

The basic civil court passed this judgment after the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, through lawyer Pavlina Zefić, filed a lawsuit for protection against discrimination in the public interest (actio popularis) on February 1, 2021. The procedure was conducted within the framework of the project "Support to North Macedonia in the promotion of the rule of law and human rights", which the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights implemented in 2020 with the OSCE Mission in Skopje.



"Samudaripen" August 2nd – The Roma Holocaust

The Roma Genocide was a period in which Nazi Germany and its allies in World War II committed ethnic cleansing and eventual genocide against the Roma in Europe.

Under Adolf Hitler, on November 26, 1935, an additional decree was passed in the Nuremberg Laws that classified Roma as "enemies of the racial state", putting them in the same category as Jews and Poles. In a certain way, the fate of the Roma in Europe paralleled that of the Jews in the Holocaust.

Historians estimate that between 220,000 and 500,000 Roma were killed by the Nazis and their collaborators—in percentage terms, the numbers vary from 25% to more than 50% of the Roma in Europe at the time, which by some estimates was around 1 million. Later research, cited by Ian Hancock, estimated the number of victims at around 1.5 million out of an estimated 2 million Roma.

In 1982, West Germany officially admitted that Germany had committed genocide against the Roma. In 2011, Poland officially adopted August 2 as the Day of Remembrance of the Roma Genocide.

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