In Memoriam: Marko D. Knudsen (1974 – 2023 )

On November 21, 2023, the Roma and the Roma community both from Europe and the world lost a prominent Roma expert and activist. Marko Knudsen started his activism with his involvement from an early age, and throughout this period he contributed a lot to the fight against discrimination and anti-Gypsyism. He was appreciated both by the Roma community and by others. He expressed his knowledge as an expert for the Georg Eckert Institute, he also worked in the Hamburg Integration Advisory Board, and also as a special education teacher and social worker in the Roma Education Association in Hamburg. Among other things, he was active in the inclusion and participation of Roma and Sinti, Advisor to important Roma and Sinti institutions and personalities: he works as an expert in the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

He was also a famous and recognized film producer and film worker

He worked as a TV producer at Offener Kanal Hamburg,

He lived and worked in Hamburg

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