
"I'm 100 % Romani" says Paulína Slepčíková, a successful organic chemist in Slovakia

Paulína Slepčíková, Ph.D. (born 1991) is an exceptional scientist in Slovakia who has earned recognition not just in the field of organic chemistry, but in the wider society through her determination and hard work. She lives and works in Košice. Her path to a scientific career was not always easy. Thanks to her desire to change things for the better and her persistence, she managed to break through and today is a recognized expert in researching the sensory chips which serve to detect different chemical materials, such as pollutants in water or viruses. In 2020 she earned her doctorate with a dissertation entitled “Synthesis, the 1H, 13C and 15N NMR spectra, and the biological effectiveness of imines, chalcones, pyrazoles, thiohydantoins and spirocycles based on acridine-9(4)-carbaldehydes.” In 2023, Dr. Slepčíková won the prestigious Roma Spirit award in the individual category after an international jury reviewed her inspiring personal story.

Dr. Slepčíková is also a proud mother who is managing the demanding challenges of pursuing a scientific career while raising a son with whom she spends all her free time. They most prefer spending time outdoors in nature.

At home you will most often find her in the kitchen, because she really loves to cook. Despite her international renown, she has a strong relationship with her native country and wants to keep on contributing to the development of science in Slovakia.

Dr. Slepčíková believes Slovakia has many brilliant scientists, both men and women, and that there is no need to go abroad to make a name for oneself. Her dream is that her current visibility will contribute to promoting science and scientific careers among young people.

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The popular show "Wedding of one million euros" broadcast on Serbian television "Happy" deepens stereotypes and prejudices against Roma

This video is an example of how lies and prejudices consciously manipulate public opinion. Despite the fact that the interviewed people in the Podvrce settlement in Leskovac clearly say that they work in the jobs that are available to them or that they are retired after years of hard work, the host rudely declares: "Everyone here would like money, but no one wants to work."

This is not just a lie, this is a deliberate and malicious mocking of the Roma community in order to gain more viewers.

Such statements are not random - it is a deliberate manipulation that feeds prejudice and spreads hatred. The host ignores the truth that is told directly to his face, only to construct a narrative that suits his prejudices and sensationalist agenda. His comment is nothing but an open attack on the dignity of people who struggle daily with poverty, discrimination and lack of opportunities.

We believe that broadcasting such program content violated the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Law on Electronic Media, as well as the provisions of Article 7, Article 20 and Article 27 of the Rulebook on the Protection of Human Rights in the Field of Providing Media Services, which relate to objectivity in information, the obligation to respect the dignity of the person and the prohibition of hate speech.

This is not journalism, this is hate speech and incitement against one of the most vulnerable communities. The presenter and the television that broadcasts this show deserve the strictest condemnation for actively contributing to the spread of lies and content that insults and threatens the general interest of the Roma national minority

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The four victims in Kosovo were attacked with a knife because they were from the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian community

The Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo requested a one-month detention for the man who surrendered in Uroševac due to a knife attack on four people. According to their statements, the attacks were allegedly motivated by the ethnicity of the victims, who are from the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian (RAE) community in Kosovo. In the meantime, the Basic Court in Uroševac ordered this person to be detained, Kossev media reported.

The girls, who the media reported to be 10 years old, were walking down the street, where the attacker approached them from behind and stabbed them in the back.

"Also, according to the Prosecutor's Office, the accused F.I. on the same day at around 3:30 p.m., deliberately because of his ethnicity, he tried to take the life of the injured N.M., a member of the RAE community, in such a way that while the victim was entering the cafeteria, the accused attacked him with the same knife, hitting him in the area of ​​the head, throat and right cheek, causing serious bodily injuries. On the same day at around 15:53, he deliberately tried to take the life of the injured E.A., a member of the RAE community, because of his ethnicity. While the victim was moving, the defendant attacked him with the same knife, hitting him from behind in the shoulder area, causing him serious bodily injuries," the statement said.




Russian authorities launch repression against Roma in region where Roma were recently targeted by recent pogroms, "preventively" detaining them

On Sunday, 27 October, an extensive police raid was conducted in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, during which approximately 20 Romani people were "preventively" detained. Video footage taken by eyewitnesses who are local residents shows police officers leading a group of Romani people into a large police van.

According to a statement issued by the Interior Ministry’s main section for the Chelyabinsk Oblast, the raid was part of “preventive measures”.

“All those detained were transported to the police station, where preventive interviews were held with them about the commission of misdemeanors and their inadmissibility. They were then released,” news server reported police as saying.

Tensions in the region have risen after a recent violent incident in Korkino, which is approximately 100 kilometers away from Troitsk. Pogroms against local Roma were perpetrated in Korkino on Thursday, 24 October and Friday, 25 October after the death of a local taxi driver. A 16-year-old Romani youth who is deaf was arrested for her murder. The incident sparked a wave of hatred and about 150 local non-Roma subsequently attacked the Romani quarter.

Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Alexei Teksler, under pressure from local residents, said the authorities would investigate the income sources of local Roma to make sure they do not involve illegal activities. “I’m turning to the security forces to investigate where the incomes of these citizens come from and also any other illegal behavior people are talking about. This investigation must be strictly performed by the book under the supervision of the prosecutor,” said Teksler​​.

Russian media sources have not reported on whether the “preventive” detention of the Romani residents of Troitsk is related to the Governor’s call.



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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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