
Scandal in the elementary school in Ripanj, Serbia: "There are too many Roma children?!" The parents demanded changes in the class, the action of the ministry is requested

As the new school year begins, many children are confronted with the harshness of peer violence. One of the bases that leads to the greatest discrimination in Serbia is the national minorities, and in Ripanj this situation attracted the attention of the society.

Namely, a group of parents in OU "Vuk Karadzic" believe that there are, as they say, too many children of Roma nationality in the class and demand that the children be reassigned to other classes.

The parents of Roma children say that this is not the first time that this has happened and that it is racism and discrimination, and a relative of one of the students has spoken out to draw attention to the inequalities that are everyday life for members of national minorities. .

Activist Janet Koko spoke on this topic in the "Pulse of Serbia" show. Host Milica Marković first pointed out that Roma children often do not even get the opportunity to go to school, and when they do get that opportunity, they encounter discrimination.

- What does it mean that there are many of them, what are these parents afraid of and what are these prejudices in 2024? The principal of that school reacted well to being surprised by such comments. We must work to prevent discrimination. When we remember how stressful and exciting it is to start school, let's hope that the fact that these children encountered such a situation in the first days will not be demotivating - said Janet Koko, adding that the authorities must break this behavior in the bud:

- The real solution is for parents not to give up, to teach their children to fight for their place. The school administration is the one who should say that this is not right, and of course the Ministry of Education should protect those students.




The law will prohibit discrimination when forming classes in schools. Segregation of Roma children in OU "Gjorgi Sugarev" in Bitola

In the primary school "Gjorgi Sugarev" in Bitola, 558 Roma study, and only 55 Macedonians. In the school, a large part of the classes are purely Romani, and the other students who live in the area of ​​this school are enrolled in other elementary schools around the city. The problem has been going on for years, and the European Court of Human Rights in December 2022 ruled against OU "Gjorgi Sugarev" and OU "Goce Delchev" from Shtip that they violated the children's right to non-discrimination in relation to their right to education, so because of this segregation awarded damages in the amount of 1,200 euros to 38 affected families, or a total of 45,600 euros for the two schools.

In August of this year, the Basic Civil Court in Skopje found with a court verdict that the Government, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Health, the State Education Inspectorate (DPI), the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality of Shtip, committed discrimination against children – Roma in the educational process. From all the evidence submitted by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights as the plaintiff, the Court found that in the specific case, the segregation of Roma children was done in the educational process, in the way the classes were formed in the OU "Gjorgi Sugarev" in Bitola and the OU "Goce Delchev" in Shtip, as well as inappropriate referral of Roma children to educational institutions intended for students with intellectual disabilities. The court determined that the convicted discriminated (segregated) the Roma children in the following way: the Government, the Ministry of Education, the Municipality of Bitola and the Municipality of Shtip did not undertake, that is, they failed to undertake activities to arrange the method of rezoning, in order to avoid possible segregation or separation of Roma children from peers of Macedonian and other nationalities.

The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency publishes the management report "Discrimination in Germany"

The Federal Commissioner against Anti-Gypsyism criticizes anti-Gypsyism in all areas of life

The recently published management report "Discrimination in Germany" by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency highlights the spread of various forms of discrimination in German society and bureaucratic institutions. Particular attention is paid to how existing advisory structures are used and how they can be improved.

As the Federal Government's Commissioner against Anti-Gypsyism, Dr. Mehmet Daimagüler emphasizes that any discussion of anti-Gypsyism takes place against the background of the National Socialist genocide. Discrimination in almost all areas of life is still part of the social norm and the reality of life for many Sinti and Roma. Discrimination by state institutions is a particular problem in this context - especially against this background, an amendment to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) is recommended and its extension to state institutions is long overdue.




A new scientific work on denials of the genocide against the Roma - a book by Dr. Vladimir Umeljic

About this scientific-research work, published in which publications from IK Prometheus and Archives of Vojvodina, at its presentation, besides the author, also spoke

Dr. Nebojsa Kuzmanović and Zoran Kolundžija.

The author of the review, academician prof. Dr. Rajko Djuric stated that Umeljic successfully explained the dehumanization of the victims of Roma origin, starting from initial, permanent and intense, to relativization and even denial of the genocide against the Roma, which as a rule is used by the representatives of the "Auschwitz lie" ".

Umeljic's study contains all the essential elements of scientific research work. It was written in accordance and in the spirit of the principle: history is anchored in the present, it has its own assumptions in the past, and its consequences point to the future - stressed Academician Djuric.


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