
According to the 2023 census, 9,813 Roma and 12,375 Egyptians live in Albania.

According to the results of the census published today by the Albanian institute for statistics INSTAT, there are 2,402,113 inhabitants in Albania.

Of them, the most numerous and dominant population are 2,186,917 Albanians, followed by 23,485 Greeks, 2,963 Bosniaks, 2,459 Vlachs, 2,281 Macedonians, 584 Serbs, and 511 Montenegrins. The rest are members of other ethnic groups or refused to declare themselves.

As for the Roma and Egyptians living in the territory of Albania, their number is 12,375 Egyptians and 9,813 Roma. With these numbers, they are in third and fourth place according to the number.

It is interesting that 13 years ago in the last census 5,512 Macedonians were registered and that number has now decreased by 58.6% in 2023.

Council of Europe: Serbia to tackle discrimination against Roma, LGBTI persons and hate speech

Serbia has made progress and good practices have been developed in several areas, but hate speech against Roma and other ethnic minorities, LGBTI communities and refugees and migrants is present in political and other public discourse, according to a new report by the European Commission. against racism and intolerance (ECRI) which was published today.

However, ECRI assesses that the de facto segregation of Roma in education is on the rise and that school attendance and completion rates are much lower for Roma children than for the general population, which is why the authorities need to take decisive action to eradicate all forms of such segregation. segregation.

The report states that the Social Card Law, adopted in 2021, and its implementation have raised serious questions about its impact on the most vulnerable groups of the population, especially the Roma, who are most deprived of social assistance.






Council of Europe: Roma refugees from Ukraine because of the war are treated worse in Europe than other refugees of other nationalities

The Commission against Racism of the Council of Europe assessed in its annual report that "extraordinary efforts" were made to support Ukrainians, but that the attitude towards them often depended on ethnicity.

It was stated that the accommodation offered to Roma with Ukrainian citizenship was of lower quality than other Ukrainians in the same situation.

It was established that all displaced persons, regardless of nationality, skin color or religion, should be provided with adequate protection and support.

According to the Council of Europe, incidents against Ukrainians have been recorded, but solidarity and support still prevail, while hostile speech is more prevalent against people from other parts of the world.

There are about six million people displaced from Ukraine in Europe, according to Reuters.

Luník IX housing estate in Slovakia was never an "experiment in socialism", but a ghetto based on race from the start

"In the historical awareness of those who live in Košiče, the urban legend is strongly entrenched that Luník IX was built as a model housing estate in a pleasant environment near a forest. The legend also claims that an 'experiment in socialism' was undertaken at that housing estate according to which non-Romani and Romani families were meant to live together there. The non-Romani families were meant to be employees of the armed forces, i.e., the army and the police. However, the experiment went awry and the outcome was that the Romani residents destroyed the housing estate," author Ondrej Ficeri describes the "classic story" about the creation of the housing estate in the introduction to his book entitled Luník IX: Zrod romského ghetta [Luník IX: Birth of a Romani Ghetto]. This interpretation of the rise of the most notorious housing estate in Slovakia can commonly be found in various online and print sources where it is usually presented as fact. In his book, Ficeri carefully confronts that narrative with the available facts from archival materials.

On the basis of that evidence, Ficeri tells the story of Luník IX once more, explaining the context and the circumstances of its creation, why it featured the attributes of a ghetto for Romani people from the start, and what this favorite “legend” tells us. 




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