Most notorious Nazi Reinhard Heydrich. He and Hitler were afraid of him!

Reinhard Heydrich had several nicknames: "Bloody Beast", "Hangman" and "The Butcher Of Prague" - but none of them had really depicted how gentle it was.

As the head of the Gestapo, Reinhard Heydrich was the man who gave orders for the most horrible Nazi crimes. He was the organizer of the famous "Kristallnacht", a violent persecution of the Jews in Germany in 1938, which began with the Holocaust.

Even Adolf Hitler was afraid of Heidrich and on one occasion he pointed out that he had a "heart of steel". He was the coolest and most arrogant Nazi, and a man who called him when he needed a firm hand.

Reinhard Heydrich was born on 7 March 1904 in Halle, Germany. His father was a singer and a German nationalist. His mother was a Catholic.

In 1931, he married Lina outside Austen. Lina was a member of the Nazi Party and thanks to her met with Heinrich Himmler, who was in senior positions in the party.

Their connection was great. Himmler was a godfather to his first child.

He also presented the plan for the Holocaust at the Wenzhou conference. In that plan, 11 million Jews and Roma were settled in Europe.

They were supposed to be located, and be locked up in the camps and liquidated. No one was allowed to be spared.

Heydrich died on June 7, 1942 in Prague, was precisely killed by the resistance of the Czech movement. His train coffin was transported to Berlin, where a second ceremony was held (the first one in Prague),

The Holocaust continued with the same strength and reached the scale of the greatest genocide in history.

The last plan was renamed "Reinhardt operation" as a sign of a lifetime. It was his legacy.


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