10 years since a series of attacks on Roma in Hungary where six Roma were killed

Five-year-old Robika Chorba and his father, Robert Chorba, were murdered for being Roma on February 23, 2009.

The wave of violent terror against Roma began in 2008 when a group of Hungarian extremists were hunting Roma.

The series of attacks took six lives. The trial for four suspects lasted two and a half years, and the final verdict was taken in August 2013. Three were sentenced to life imprisonment and one to 13 years in prison. Attacks occurred in the following order:

July 21, 2008, Galga York. Shortly after midnight, 10-15 firearms were fired in three Romani houses. There were no injuries in the incident.

August 8, 2008, Pirice. Two Romani houses with Molotov cocktails were set on fire. A woman was hit by a shot while she was leaving the house.

September 5, 2008, Nirvoni-Tamasupuge. It is shot at a Roma house where father and four children live while sleeping. No injuries.

September 29, 2008, Tarnabod. Molotov cocktails were thrown into four Roma houses. No injuries.

November 3, 2008, Nagychez. Two bombs were thrown into two Romani houses. When they escaped from the home, a man of 43 and a woman for 40 years were killed.

December 15, 2008, Alzotzolka. It is shot at two Roma. The man (19) suffered life-threatening injuries, his partner having suffered minor injuries.

February 23, 2009, Tatarstangorgi. Thrown is a Molotov cocktail in a Roma house. On the flight were killed the father (27 years old) and his five-year-old son. The other two children were injured, while the mother got out without injury.

April 22, 2009, Tisalok. Genoa Coca, the 59-year-old Roma father late in the evening while leaving the night shift, was killed in front of his house.

August 3, 2009, Kisla. 45-year-old Mary B. and her daughter were attacked by strangers in their homes. Survivors, but with severe bodily injuries.

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