The Zemun Roma respond: The police are not responding to our calls

Residents of the Roma settlements in the Zemun municipality said that more than a quarter of the population said that calls to police to intervene, still do not come and insufficiently patrol on those territories, the Roma Center for Women and Children said.
This is mentioned and such is the situation in the settlements of Zemun Polje-Kamendin, Zemun Polje - Divo Naselje, Military Put, Block 1, Block 2 and others.
According to OSCE, the majority of the Roma population need to feel safe.
"In the Voynit Put neighborhood, as many as 97% of respondents say that there is not one place that is safe for their children to play," the OSCE said.
Nearly 100% of the population do not know at all that there is a Municipal Council for Invisibility.
It was also noted that there is a big problem in the places where larger groups use alcohol and drugs, and 37% of them state that there are people who are aggressive towards people passing from those places.
It is noted that there is institutional discrimination due to insufficient knowledge of the specific life and culture of the Roma community. 


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