ZRDICM has chosen to introduce another profession "Pedagogical Assistant"

The long-standing idea and idea of ​​the Roma Business Information Center of Macedonia Association - ZRDICM has definitely become a reality. These days, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy arrived at the official solution for the standard occupation "Pedagogical Assistant"

The proposal was submitted by the MoES, based on a positive opinion by the Council for Vocational Education and Training. The same can be acquired in the Vocational Education and Training Centers throughout the country.

Otherwise, this idea was made by the ZRDICM and its president, Zoran Dimov. This is already a second consecutive standard occupation, where previously the same as the "Collector" was introduced after the initiative was made by the same organization.

Otherwise the occupation "Pedagogical Assistant" will have the task of working on a teacher's upper which will help the children in mastering the educational material of the category of children who have difficulty in mastering this material with the aim of more successful monitoring of the teaching as well as a higher level of success in education.

Now it is transformed into a second phase, finding a Center where this kind of training will be carried out and a selection of teaching staff that will carry out this training on the future "Pedagogical assistants" who will further acquire a diploma-certificate with this occupation-profession.

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