Message from the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov on the occasion of the International Roma Day - April 8

Distinguished members and IRU delegates, Roma brothers and sisters!

Today, April 8, as we mark the day the foundations of Romani identity, were laid 49 years ago, I would like to briefly remind you of the challenges we face.
We all know that the IRU is the one who opened the door to show everyone that we Roma are no different from other nations in the world. That we are a nation that deserves the same as other nations in the world.

Time passes and at the same time we as IRU are trying and we ourselves are aware that when one door closes, another always opens. Too often when we look at the closed door, we do not notice the one that has opened.

We ourselves know that time is a predator that constantly haunts behind us. I would rather believe that time follows us during our journey, just to remind us of the fact that we need to value every moment.

We, as the IRU, should also evaluate and value every task that we have set for ourselves and that we have successfully solved.

We know that it has never been easy to complete a given task, because on that path we always (even today) have many barriers and opponents, who do not always think best, whether it is an internal or external factor.

My message to all of you is that we need to be united now, united by common forces to be even stronger so that we can convince all skeptics that we are on the right path.

In addition to all this, the current situation with the pandemic of COVID 19, which is the main obstacle to not being able to react properly at the moment, but we as IRU will jointly pave the way and achieve our goals.

At the same time, despite the fact that we Roma people and at the same time IRU as an organization often suffer "low" blows from states and institutions that do not always think well of the Roma people, we must be united and united to individuals and groups that represent themselves like Roma, but are always ready to "lose" IRU or create their own IRU in their head. 

We all together in IRU convey the only message that to those "concerned Roma and non-Roma" we in IRU will act most decisively against all those barriers.

We in the IRU today, on April 8, do not intend to spit or complain, but on the contrary, we have a message for all of us and all others - to unite and respect each other. Let us all show because IRU is really worth it!

That's why UPRE ROMA, and for many years April 8, International Roma Day for all Roma brothers and sisters around the world.

 With respect
Zoran Dimov
President of the IRU

In addition to the health threat, the COVID 19 pandemic will contribute to the collapse of millions of Roma across Europe and the world. The IRU will respond to the EU through its established Crisis Staff

Hundreds of thousands of Roma live in miserable settlements in Central and Southeast Europe - the coronavirus disaster is among them. But instead of helping the group, governments often use the police and the military.


Older people and those with pre-existing conditions, doctors and medical staff - they are the most vulnerable in the corona crisis. However, the public finds it difficult to talk about a large and special risk group in Europe: millions of poor Roma. For many of them, especially in Central and Southeast Europe, a health and humanitarian catastrophe could soon ensue.


Most of them live in miserable conditions and mostly without hygiene. In addition, many are no longer able to carry out their informal activities, such as collecting trash and plastic or street food, household products or flowers.


But not only because of the already widespread anti-organism, many Roma are currently undergoing a special stigma: Some countries such as the Western Balkans, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, the former Soviet Union, and of course the more developed EU, Italy, Spain and France, have taken over. additional measures for Roma settlements in addition to the general restrictions - these are preventively guaranteed or coordinated by the police.


That's why Roma organizations in Europe are sounding the alarm. The International Roma Union, led by President Zoran Dimov, also set up specific demands to the EU and other international organizations and national governments, forming the IRU Crisis Headquarters and responding to EU institutions by offering its support, logistics and mitigation capacity. of this emerging condition.


What will be the directions of the next activities of the IRU and the established crisis headquarters will depend on the answers offered by the EU and its institutions.

The IRU is concerned about the safety and well-being of poor Roma, Sinti and homeless people in Italy.

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the IRU sent a letter to the Italian authorities so they could pay attention to the Roma nation - the homeless and the Sinti.


Italian authorities

International Romani Union - IRU sincerely expresses its sincere condolences to the families of those who died in the Corona pandemic and to Italy as a whole in your enormous sorrow.


The IRU is concerned about the safety and well-being of poor Roma, Sinti and homeless people in Italy. We have received serious messages from the Italian Roma community about the racism they are facing. The Roma community in Italy lives in absolute poverty in inhumane housing conditions, weak homes lack water and electricity.


The IRU urges the Italian State to take immediate action to improve the security of the Roma community, improve living conditions and eliminate racism.


The IRU wants give its expertise available to the Italian state authorities to work together to remedy the circumstances of the Italian Roma community. This is our common task!


Zoran Dimov President of the  International Romani Union - IRU.

IRU responds: By what right does Bulgarian MEP Angel Djambaski demand that all Roma ghettos be closed?

Following a scandalous written request by Bulgarian MEP Angel Chambaski who directed him to the National Crisis Staff against Coronavirus in Bulgaria "to set up checkpoints at the entrances of all ghettos as a national measure", the world's largest Roma organization IRU that this claim is discriminatory, nationalist and at the same time a violation of human rights, movement and freedom.


He responded on behalf of the IRU and said he would send a letter of protest, both to the Bulgarian Embassy in Skopje and to all relevant international organizations and institutions.


In his written request, Djambaski asked the Bulgarian authorities to "close" the areas inhabited by ethnic Roma as a measure against the spread of coronavirus, which means that only Roma settlements in cities are potentially "hot spots of infection".


As a result, some Bulgarian mayors have responded to this appeal by imposing ethnically-based restrictions on the Roma movement that were not applied to non-Roma residents - an extremely dangerous precedent.

Dies Victor Famulson, one of the first members of the IRU

On February 28 this year, a prominent Roma activist and Roma rights activist - Victor Famulson, died in Finland.


Hammulson was also President of the Baltic Roma Union - BRU and Honorary President of the IRU. He served as Vice President of the IRU from 1990 to 1994


His activity as a Roma activist was immense and greatly contributed to the Roma movement.

He was one of the first initiators to hold the first World Roma Congress in London on April 8, 1971.

Zoran Dimov IRU President: Let Roma from Europe send their donation to their immediate family, and later share it with the poorest Roma families

After a telephone conversation with the President of the IRU, Zoran Dimov, who was asked how he views the current social situation in Macedonia and what is his opinion on the implementation of the actions of the diaspora for the assistance of socially endangered Roma he said:


"Nowadays it is not necessary for any political entity to merely promote the current situation. I, like Zoran Dimov, suggest that all those who live in Europe send the money (donation) to their families and then share it with the poorer Roma in each Roma neighborhood, photograph it or view it as proof to their families that they are not misused assets, and the suspicion that they will be embezzled will be reduced or eliminated "


With these words, Zoran Dimov's proposal was presented which mentioned that a faster response is needed, not just live debate on social networks.




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