The IRU held its regular parliamentary session on 9 October. Adopted the IRU Action Plan 2020-2024

On Friday, October 9, through the ZOOM platform for Video Conference and participation of over 60 delegates from 45 countries, held its regular autumn Parliamentary session of the IRU.

The President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, the President of the IRU Parliament Rosita Gronfors and members of the Cabinet of the IRU had their introduction at the Parliamentary session.

At the same time, all present delegates had their own reports on the situation with the Roma in the countries and regions where they come from. The aspect of the reports was from all fields where the situation of the Roma community in the societies where they live was predominant, and is closely related to the Corona pandemic. At the same time, part of the implementation of the National Strategies related to the Roma in their home countries was presented. In that context, the IRU delegates adopted the IRU Action Plan for 2020-2024 prepared by the IRU and which will be submitted to all relevant international institutions (UN, EU, EC, CoE and others).

In parallel with those activities, the planned activity of the IRU will be implemented through its members and delegates wherever there are Roma (EU and other important regions and countries) with its new initiative entitled "Friendship hand from the IRU to all relevant factors".

There were other topics of discussions and talks, as well as tasks that will have to be realized in the next period, which in addition to the above mentioned one of the activities is the celebration of 50 years of the First Roma Congress and founder of the IRU (1971-2021). A solemn act with the participation of senior and relevant officials from international politics, the civil sector and Roma activism.

Letter of thanks to the IRU and its President ZoranDimov to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

On 20 April 2020, the IRU presented an initiative to the European Commission highlighting the urgent need for European Roma to have access to health services due to Covid-19, an adequate minimum income, a catastrophic educational situation and a need for EU financial support to Roma associations. We have also proposed the creation of a Roma Ombudsman's office due to increased anti-gypsyism. The European Roma expects positive action and resources for housing, education, employment and health care. The goal is to realize the economic, social and cultural rights of the Roma (ICESCR). The great wall is that the European Roma suffer discrimination, hate speech, segregation, intolerance, violence and, at worst, genocide.

President ZoranDimov and the International Romani Union The IRU would like to thank you for your speech on 16 September 2020 in the European Parliament. You made several worthwhile suggestions:

Member States would introduce a minimum wage.

NextGenerationEU is a good proposal to take digitalizationto every village. It is good that you are ensuring that the EU budget and NextGenerationEU money are protected from all forms of fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest.

The IRU would like to add that the Roma should also have access to IT technology (and electricity) as well as IT skills.


The EC will shortly present the Economic Recovery Package for the Western Balkans and the accession negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia will continue.

The IRU would like to add that the situation of the Roma in the Western Balkans is particularly difficult and that part of the stimulus package must target to Balkan Roma people as well.


The Commission's first-ever anti-racism Coordinator to work directly with people, civil society and institutions.


The IRU warmly supports your policy in this and offers to work together to create a coordinator job description and we intend to work closely with the anti-racist coordinator.

The IRU like to welcome that you highlighted the marginalized position of the European Roma in a very humanistic way. The IRU is in favor of extending the EU list of crimes to all forms of hate crime and hate speech. The IRU welcomes the fact that the EC budget will be used to combat discrimination in areas such as employment, housing and health.


The IRU offers its expertise to the EC in all Roma matters.


Sincerely yours




International Romani Union – IRU

IRU President Zoran Dimov will take part in the Video Conference organized by the Center for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations (CRSCR) from India.

The Center for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations (CRSCR) from India will hold a Video Conference on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, starting at 11 a.m. Central European Time.

The topic will be the exchange and presentation of valuable reflections and studies on a topic that covers challenges as well as efforts in recent centuries to integrate the Roma community with major societies and their socio-economic conditions.

Among the numerous participants from all over the world, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov will have his speech, who will present his views. (CRSCR) was founded by Antar Rashriya Sahigo Parishad (ARSP) with the support of the Indian Council on Cultural Relations (MCCR). It conducts research studies on various aspects of the Roma community, as well as expands its engagement with them. Adhering to its commitment, (CRSCR) regularly announces activities / conferences with the participation of international and Indian scholars. The conference will be attended by, among others, 8 other international Roma scholars, leaders, community representatives and activists, as well as Indian Roma scholars for an academic session of the conference.

IRU President ZoranDimov asks: “How much do international institutions believe in the capacities of Roma organizations?

In one of his views and opinions regarding the cooperation with institutions of international character, the President of the IRU Mr. ZoranDimov expresses his disappointment with these institutions and also with certain organizations that deal with solving the Roma problem and creating policies. related to the Roma community.

He says: "I want to express my opinions and views first personally as a person, and then as President of the International Roma Union = IRU.

Many times so far, the IRU has shown its interest in cooperating with all international institutions and organizations when it comes to the status of the Roma community in all fields. Many times the IRU, through its membership, has extended a hand of cooperation.

The views of the IRU have always been with open dialogue and constructive debate to find the most favorable solutions to all possible problems and inconsistencies. I must also express my gratitude to most of the international actors who selflessly gave us their support and cooperation at the highest level.

But unfortunately, many times we have encountered misunderstandings, with a dose of distrust of our organization by a small number of international institutions, and at the same time by some "concerned about the situation of the Roma" organizations who still want to work on their own. , without looking at reality.

It is very symptomatic that some of them are seen as "organization above all organizations" and non-transparently play the role of "Roma Leaders".

It only brings regression, and instead of progress in the process for a better tomorrow for all of us!

Unfortunately, there are such people in the highest institutions of the European Union, such as the European Parliament, the EC, the Council of Europe and the like.

By abusing the trust of the people, they try to make some "individual step" instead of common interest, and thus play on "self-promotion". We must conclude that such activism will never bear fruit and be productive.

A classic example is the current situation with the KOVID 19 pandemic and the Statement proposed by the IRU to the European Parliament for a Minimum Investmentin the places where Roma live. Knowing the general condition of that community (infrastructural, economic, social ..), the question is: HOW LONG IS ITS IMPLEMENTATION AND IN WHAT WILL IT BE IMPLEMENTED?

Above all, my intention is to try to be all equal, to develop pluralism, trust and respect for other opinions and views.

In fact, with hypocritical and dirty games behind our backs, our position will only go backwards and will not bring anything good to all of us. That is the harsh reality primarily because the IRU, and I as its president, are honest, open, self-critical and above all transparent to all those who will give us a hand for cooperation.

Only in this way will we be able to see the reality "with open eyes" and see the disadvantages and everything that hinders our progress, - said in the conclusion by the President of the IRU ZoranDimov

IRU focused on plans and strategies for the next four years

Following the conclusion of the 11th IRU Congress at the end of June and the election of the new IRU leadership headed by the old - new IRU President Zoram Dimov, the established presidency as well as the IRU Commissioners are now focusing on preparations for plans and program for the next four years, It is a challenge to prepare quality programs in each of the 13 IRU Commercials that covers all the fields affected by the Roma nation.

At the same time, for the first time in its leadership, the IRU has for the first time established a balance between women and men with 50-50 government participation,

60 new IRU delegates have just been hired and together with the reformed and old staff, the IRU now has 100 delegates from 55 countries worldwide. There is a coordinator for each country and a coordinator for that country. At the same time, the activities continue with the close cooperation with all relevant international institutions such as the UN, EU, EP, EC, CoE, EVZ, IOM, as well as other relevant world institutions, foundations and canals.

On August 31, at the Cinematheque of Macedonia - premiere of the documentary "Sky - Wheel - Earth

One important question?

They are by your side and those around you, but how well do you really know the Roma?

How much do you know about their rich and long history, tradition, culture, language?

Was their life as cheerful as their music, or was it as heavy, sad and dark as their complexion?

Why is the word "Gypsy" offensive? Why do they struggle to be named with the terminology - ROM?

Did you know that on Christopher Columbus's fourth voyage of discovery on American soil, four Spanish Roma were in the crew, one of whom was the first to see American soil.

Meet the most famous Roma Scientists - Nobel laureates, presidents, actors - Oscar winners, athletes ... (Danish Nobel laureate in medicine August Krog, painter Pablo Picasso, composer and violin virtuoso Niccolo Paganini, actors Charlie Chaplin Maire. Kane, Jul Briner, Ava Gardner, Natalie Wood, Elvis Presley, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood, footballers Nesta, Pirlo, the late Jose Antonio Reyes and many more)

We would like to inform you that on August 31, 2020 - Monday at 8 pm in the Cinematheque of Macedonia will be held the Premiere of the new Documentary film "Sky - Wheel - Earth" Produced by SP BTR and co-produced by Studio 7.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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