The IRU is concerned about the safety and well-being of poor Roma, Sinti and homeless people in Italy.

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the IRU sent a letter to the Italian authorities so they could pay attention to the Roma nation - the homeless and the Sinti.


Italian authorities

International Romani Union - IRU sincerely expresses its sincere condolences to the families of those who died in the Corona pandemic and to Italy as a whole in your enormous sorrow.


The IRU is concerned about the safety and well-being of poor Roma, Sinti and homeless people in Italy. We have received serious messages from the Italian Roma community about the racism they are facing. The Roma community in Italy lives in absolute poverty in inhumane housing conditions, weak homes lack water and electricity.


The IRU urges the Italian State to take immediate action to improve the security of the Roma community, improve living conditions and eliminate racism.


The IRU wants give its expertise available to the Italian state authorities to work together to remedy the circumstances of the Italian Roma community. This is our common task!


Zoran Dimov President of the  International Romani Union - IRU.

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