Zoran Dimov IRU President: Let Roma from Europe send their donation to their immediate family, and later share it with the poorest Roma families

After a telephone conversation with the President of the IRU, Zoran Dimov, who was asked how he views the current social situation in Macedonia and what is his opinion on the implementation of the actions of the diaspora for the assistance of socially endangered Roma he said:


"Nowadays it is not necessary for any political entity to merely promote the current situation. I, like Zoran Dimov, suggest that all those who live in Europe send the money (donation) to their families and then share it with the poorer Roma in each Roma neighborhood, photograph it or view it as proof to their families that they are not misused assets, and the suspicion that they will be embezzled will be reduced or eliminated "


With these words, Zoran Dimov's proposal was presented which mentioned that a faster response is needed, not just live debate on social networks.


Link: https://roma-news.com/zoran-dimov-prezidenti-taro-iru?fbclid=IwAR3ra0GGvLedlPJMz6JthoMDJe7MRfQWnVH5evddUmwv8J7AZYRT_CROPlE


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