Dies Dr. Satish Pilareseti - Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Economy at IRU

On May 29, 2022, died the Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Economy of the IRU Dr. Satish Pilaresetti.

He has lived and worked in New Delhi, India and has been an active member and delegate of the IRU for the past two years.

Otherwise Dr. Pilaresetti is a true expert and professional in his field of finance and economics. In India, he was also the Executive Director of Sa-Dan (Association of Community Financial Institutions) in New Delhi, a position he has held for the past seven years.

With his death, the IRU and the Roma community lost a top professional as well as a proven economics and finance expert who was proven in his field and graduated from Harvard Business University.

The IRU, led by President Zoran Dimov, expresses its deepest condolences to his family.

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