Meeting in Brussels of the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov with the High Representative of the EC Marta Garcia Fidalgo

As part of the activities in Brussels, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov on the sidelines of the meeting of the European Parliament "Roma Week" met with Marta Garcia Fidalgo - Advisor for Roma Inclusion and Equality Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Coordinator, European Commission.

During that meeting, Dimov introduced Fidalgo to some of the activities and plans of the IRU and their activities.

In addition, he informed her about the situation with the Roma community in the EU and the Western Balkans, as well as the Roma in Ukraine.

He also informed her about the Declaration prepared by the IRU to all European institutions as well as the Declaration by the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions, of which he is the coordinator.

As Vice President of ERTF, he informed her about the current activities in this organization which is part of the Council of Europe.

Marta Garcia Fidalgo noted that she is always here to help implement plans and strategies related to the Roma and that she is always ready for cooperation and coordination.

She emphasized her commitment as an Advisor Roma inclusion and Equality coordinator Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission, and also noted that she appreciates the work of the IRU as well as the activities of its President Zoran Dimov.

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