Meeting of the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov in his office in Brussels with the Mayor of Kumanovo Maksim Dimitrievski

As part of the "Roma Week" held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The mayor of Kumanovo, Maksim Dimitrievski, also had a meeting in the office of the President of the IRU, Zoran Dimov.

Dimitrievski is in Brussels to receive the award from the European Parliament as "the friendliest Roma mayor".

The joint meeting of Dimov and Dimitrievski, as well as Dimitrievski's advisor Ahmet Jasharovski used it to exchange ideas and plans in the interest of the Roma community in the municipality of Kumanovo.

Both sides assured that so far the cooperation is at a very high level and it will continue in the future in the interest and affirmation of the Roma community in this municipality in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

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