IRU President Zoran Dimov in Berlin at a meeting of the German Bundestag and the EVZ Foundation

As part of the activities of the IRU and the European perspective related to Roma from Ukraine and also the fight against anti-Gypsy, within those activities the President of the IRU and also Vice President of ERTF and Coordinator of the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions was present today at the meeting. Creditors' Approval from the EVZ Foundation in Berlin.

The topic of the rest and the talks were the Roma from Ukraine and the way they can be helped, as well as the fight against the anti-Roma mood that is more and more present on European soil and beyond.

Here Dimov had a very successful presentation related to these topics where the attendees rated it with the highest marks.

There are also members of the German Government and the Bundestagoit in the EVZ Foundation, where there are several German government representatives in the organizational system. This was a rare moment when a Roma representative was directly involved in the work together with the representatives of the Bundestag, where efforts will be made to help both the Roma from Ukraine, and at the same time to be involved in the fight against anti-Gypsy.

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