Reaction of the IRU and its President Zoran Dimov: "If the MEP does not feel Roma, then he should not work on projects in the interests of the Roma community."

IRU and its President Zoran Dimov react strongly to the taken position of MEP Mr.Romeo Franz on the taken position that he is a Sinti, and does not feel Roma, and that he will continue to defend the interests of the Roma community in Europe.

IRU and Dimov also direct their reaction to his parent party, the Greens, of which Mr. Romeo Franz is a member.

The question arises in what direction was this statement made by Mr. Romeo Franz?

- Does Mr. Franz want to separate the terms Sinti and Roma with that?

- Does he even know the historical connection between the terms Sinti and Rom?

- Does Mr. Franz know that the Sinti (also Sinta or Sinte) are a Roma people from Central Europe?

- Does he know (and we believe he knows) that the Sinti were also a traditional people who often moved, but today only a small percentage of Sinti live that way.

- In the past, they often lived in the suburbs of communities. The Sinti of Central Europe speak a Sinticromese language other than Romani, under the influence of German.

The question now is what is the purpose of separating these two terminologies?

If Mr. Franz distances himself and says that he is not a Roma, then why is he often the main protagonist in organizing various meetings, conferences and similar events on behalf of the Roma?

Why does Mr. Franz at those meetings and conferences alone with his associates choose the names and organizations with the prefix "Roma" who will participate and who will not.

Why is he doing projects on behalf of the Roma?

If he does not feel Roma, and wants to help the Roma community, is it not more logical to help in a way to assist and lobby with his credibility, and not to have the main say on behalf of the Roma and the Roma community.

There are still many logical questions and unknowns what is the motive and in which direction the sentence "I do not feel Roma" is said.

A question to him, as well as to his home Green Party, to reconsider the motives and intentions of their member, Mr. Romeo Franz.

The disappointment and reaction of other Roma organizations and individual Roma activists from this notation of Romeo Franz is understandable. It is understandable because for a long time at many conferences, events, etc. his work and activism is based as an activity in the name of both the Roma and the Roma community, and on the other hand he distances himself from his origin and is not pleased with the prefix "Roma". „

A fact that is quite debatable.

"Both the dilemma and the intention must be resolved. The IRI and the Roma community will not stop there. "He will continue to seek answers as well as for the views expressed." - it is said in the reaction of Zoran Dimov, president of the IRU.

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