Ramush Muarem-Cirko: We should all follow the path that leads to unification

In a video message for the United for Diversity Initiative, journalist Ramush Muarem-Cirko calls for unity in diversity as the only cure for the dangerous disease of nationalism.
Nationalism is a collective or individual paranoia. In fact, if we want to define or illustrate that nationalism, in fact I see it as a wild river, literally just like a wild river that flows uncontrollably along its course, and if we compare them with the weather conditions when there is rain, for example, then those tributaries or events in society contribute to that nationalism rising like the level of that wild river, and starting to overflow on all sides, and simply when it comes to that moment, all control is lost and there is no going back. In my opinion, nationalism is a dangerous disease of today everywhere in society.
I am a member of a nationality of a community that is a minority in this society, the Roma. In particular, it has happened to me to say, many times on the basis of that nationalism, to address me with adjectives from the example "gypsies", because simply, it is closest to them as simple devaluation of that community or devaluation of that person from that community.
There is one moment that we should try to do, and that is to make a dam, to regulate that flow in order to calm those flows. Well, I can call that dam united in diversity, exactly that dam can contribute and give it a name united in diversity.
We have to pave the way in exactly the way we have to find a cure, and the cure is simply titled as united in diversity. That drug is against a disease called tropophobia, and tropophobia means fear of change, we are not ready yet, but to prepare for it and cure that tropophobia, that drug or that therapy is united in diversity.
Finally, I would like to emphasize this: We should all follow the path that leads to unification, ie to be "united in diversity"


Link: https://civilmedia.mk/video-ramush-muarem-tsirko-site-treba-da-go-sledime-patot-shto-vodi-kon-obedinuvane/

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