IRU in its activities in the period that follows high on the agenda is also Celebrating 50 years of existence of IRU in April 2021. Therefore, President Zoran Dimov and his membership intensify contacts and coordination with prominent figures from international institutions such as UN, EU . EP, EC, CoE and others. Among other things, in direct video meetings, as well as through e-mail contacts, the constructions are slowly being defined for a more significant and dignified celebration of this important date. In all those communications and e-mails correspondence by the representatives in all those communications was given full support and at the same time some of them immediately gave the green light for direct participation and address during the celebration of the event Jubilee 50 years of the IRU. In the upcoming period, the activities of the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov and his membership will intensify contacts and communications, as well as the expansion of the IRU Initiative "ROMA FRIENDSHIP GROUP", which by the way is a kind of initial form of cooperation between the IRU and others. national and international institutions, organizations, etc.