The activities of Asmet Elezovski and Zoran Dimov within the National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2021-2023 are commendable

NRC from Kumanovo and RDICM have been part of the NGOs from the country for a long time and participate in the preparation of the fifth National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2021-2023. As part of the working groups and their members, they are already working in several priority areas which they then send to the Government as proposals and ideas for a National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership. Above all, they work in activities such as Transparency, Accountability, Proactivity and Inclusion Asmet Elezovski as director of NRC from Kumanovo, at the same time Zoran Dimov as President of RDICM together with over 30 other representatives of institutions, civil society organizations and others. are very active in their proposals and ideas for better and more active communication with the Government and its institutions. Above all, they are engaged in the field of Establishing a culture of open government, transparency, accountability and inclusiveness - the activities would include defining rules for all participants in the process, promotion activities to encourage stakeholder participation. The areas in which these two Roma organizations participate are very extensive and wide. They are active in the workshops and many of the proposed commitments have been accepted and taken into account. Among their efforts are the lack of clear criteria and transparency in employment and appointment of persons as well as the problem of uneven practices of involvement of civil society organizations in decision-making processes between institutions and between central and local level. Normally, their participation in the work of the National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2021-2023 continues.

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