USA: IRU with its office in Washington

The International Roma Union - IRU was active with its membership during these Christmas and New Year holidays. Apart from sending congratulations on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the world's oldest and largest Roma organization also received information from the IRU Delegate from the USA, Rain Bear, that the IRU office in the USA is starting its activities. Due to the pandemic with Covid 19, it will initially be operational online and at the same time the information will be forwarded via the official email of the IRU. The IRU office in the United States is located in Washington, D.C., a few miles from the White House in Central Park. The address is International Romani Union - 712 H Street NE Suite 1643 Washington, DC 20002. This is a real success for the IRU delegates in the United States. In this context, the organization "The Great Conjunction of the Global Indigenous Council - the Great Conjunction the Global Indigenous Council on its Web site gave great importance to the IRU, where it paid great attention and awareness of Roma and IRU as part of the activities of indigenous communities from all over the world from Australia, to India, Europe, USA and Brazil.
In addition to interviews and the importance of all indigenous nations around the world, Roma as well as the IRU were mentioned. You can follow that dedicated attention on this link from the Portal of the Great Conjunction the Global Indigenous Council, , where great importance is given to the Roma nation, the IRU and its President Zoran Dimov, and also on their FB profile - It must also be noted that during the US presidential campaign, the IRU and its delegates openly sided with incumbent President-elect Joe Biden. She made that support and contacts with IRU delegates from the United States through Congresswoman Deb Halland. It is important to note that now US President Joe Biden recently appointed Deb Hollande as Secretary of the Interior after his victory, which is a good opportunity to deepen the cooperation between the IRU and the White House.

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