Tyson Fury attends IRU Congress in Skopje?

The 11th IRU Congress in Skopje, to be held from March 26th to 29th this year, literally from the organizational point of view, lifted the Roma nation around the world "on its feet".

Nearly 100 IRU delegates and members have been announced, as well as about 50 other guests.


But still what seemed incredible, maybe now is easily achievable.

The world heavyweight boxing champion this weekend won this prestigious title, Tyson Hughes could easily be part of this Congress.

Namely with him in intensive contact and negotiation is the oldest member of the IRU from Great Britain and President of the Democratic Transition, the famous Roma activist Grattan Puxon.


He is in contact with PR and Tyson Fury about his arrival in Skopje.

If the terms are correct, and if there are no important activities, it is very easy for Tyson Hurray to be part of the 11th IRU Congress in Skopje.


According to some reports, the situation will crystallize in the near future and we will find out more about the procedure of his arrival in Skopje, reports Roma Times portal.


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