IRU Skopje Congress with Priority - Roma Woman to be Leader!

One of the specific goals that will be the topic of the next IRU Congress in Skopje from March 26 to 29, 2020 will be the strengthening of the Roma Women's Lobby and the promotion of Roma women as leaders.


In its commitment to the 10th IRU Congress in 2016, the IRU commenced activities to promote the raising and prioritization of the Women's Lobby both nationally and internationally.


It was at this Congress for the Head of the IRU Committees that Rosita Gronfors was appointed, which was an indicator that all further efforts would be in that direction.


This 11th IRU Congress will be precisely the moment where promoting the more active involvement of Roma women in the making of very important political, economic, legal and cultural decisions is every other aspect.


That is why this IRU Congress will be very important to those viewers as it will be an event promoting future directions for Roma woman leadership.


It will also include Roma women in the area of ​​economic activity and involvement in the Business sector, as well as greater promotion of Roma women entrepreneurs.


Also to be celebrated is the activity of Traditional Roma Court which will be a chance to promote for the first time a new moment - Promotion of the first Roma woman in Roma Traditional Court.

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