Who is most likely to be the next president of the IRU?

Slowly but surely, the date and period for the latest IRU leadership to lead the organization for the next 4 years is approaching.


At the last 10th IRU Congress in March 2016 in Skopje, staff changes took place in the IRU. Zoran Dimov was elected president at that congress. He accepted the challenge and as president of the IRU in the period 2016-2020 introduced many new milestones in the IRU, and at the same time worked with the new team to work hard to bring the IRU back on track, as previous inactivity led the IRU to " clinical death ".


In the period 2016-2020, Zoran Dimov managed to "resuscitate" the IRU as well as institutionally connect it with a number of European and world institutions and organizations. Together with the team and the cabinet, they managed to regain the lost status of the IRU in the UN, and regain the status of ESOCOS. He also managed to establish his own people and team in all UN offices. This is also true of offices in New York, Vienna and Geneva.


They developed their own plans and strategies that they presented to key European institutions such as the Council of Europe together with the ERTF. They are in constant contact and communication with all embassies around the world. It has strengthened its cooperation with the Council of World Churches.


At the same time it has elaborated and started implementing one of the most important issues for the Roma, namely the Roma Ombudsman - Contact Point, which has good unreserved support from all relevant European institutions and organizations.


Also under the leadership of Zoran Dimov has begun the implementation of a long-standing dream of the IRU, that is, the future leadership should not only be a choice and vote, but a legally mandated and broader mandate - the voice of the Roma people. . That idea was put forward by Grattan Puxon as a Democratic Transition who, during his presidency with the IRU, was with Zoran Dimov, embracing it and affirming it as one of the most important IRU challenges.


And now, at the "end of the day", summing up the goals and future plans, a conclusion is reached that has the chance of a new mandate in the IRU. According to analysis, proposals and forecasts so far, the chances for another term are on the side of the current IRU leadership led by the current President Zoran Dimov! But let's leave it to the epilogue that will be known at the end of March.


Until then - health and watch out for the Corona virus!

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