IRU President Zoran Dimov at UN Forum in Geneva: "Forming a Roma Ombudsman is an Important Link to Roma Rights"

As part of the Minority Issues Form "Education, Language and Human Rights for Minorities" held at the United Nations Palace in Geneva, IRU President Zorna Dimov had a part of his address.

He explained during the forum the role of the resolution adopted to establish a Roma Ombudsman - Contact Point as an instrument that would contribute to the elimination of discrimination and greater respect for human rights of one of the most vulnerable and most marginalized minorities in the world - the Roma Nation.

With the functioning of this institution all these elements will contribute to a greater observation of the respect of the fundamental rights of the Roma, regardless of which part of the world is concerned.

With institutional cooperation and respect for the activity, all anomalies could be eliminated or minimized, said IRU President Zoran Dimov.

During the Geneva Forum, the IRU President had other important meetings with representatives of various international institutions and organizations. One of them was the meeting with the representative of Somalia Mr. Bogor Ahmed Iman Kang, with whom they exchanged many useful information and stories in the field of Human Rights.

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