IRU President Zoran Dimov at UN Geneva Conference: 12th Session - Minority Education Forum "Education, Language and Human Rights of Minorities

Twelfth Session - Forum on Minority Issues as part of its activities at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on 28 and 29 November "Education, Language and Human Rights of Minorities".

The International Roma Union - IRU, which will be represented by its President Zoran Dimov, also participates in the UN ECOSOC status.

He is attending there at the invitation of the UN Human Rights Presidents, who have appointed Ms Anastasia Crickley of Ireland and Ms Astrid Thors of Finland as co-chairs of this Forum.

Otherwise, at this important event, the President of the IRU will present to the audience the decision taken by the IRU Parliament at its last parliamentary session this June to establish a "Roma Ombudsman - Contact Point" based in Strasbourg.

Forum topics will include, inter alia, "Resolving the rights of linguistic minorities and the use of their languages ​​in education" and human rights related topics.

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