Rosita Gronfors, a Finnish Roma who works and acts in Sweden

Rosita Gronfors, a Roma activist and Head of IRU Committees, is the creator of the first Swedish women's magazine for Roma and Women Travelers. She has been working for over 20 years on Roma women's rights and their institutional care.

Rosita Gronfors also has an office for the disadvantaged in her home in Tabi, which serves as a home for their care.

- What we need now is a Counseling Center. In the three closest districts alone, there are 360 ​​Roma women living in Stockholm.

- We receive calls from all over the country and also from other Nordic countries. We are perhaps the only center of its kind in Europe.

The three facilities have space for 12 adults and 7 children. Eleven people work, including seven on board and four volunteers. About 70 women pass through it every year.


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