The project "Pedagogical Assistant" and media promoted

The project of ABRCIM "Pedagogical Assistant" which is also in this context in cooperation with the MLSP in - Department of Labor Law and Employment Policy, Center for Vocational Education and Training from Skopje and Center for Adult Education started with its own media promotion.

To that end, within the morning program of Television Sitel within the program "I love Macedonia", the President of ABRICM, Zoran Dimov, was the guest of the pedagogue involved in this project Poliksena Ilioska.

During the visit, both guests expressed the need for this project, as well as the end goal. Otherwise, as a reminder, the trainings of the future Pedagogical Assistants have started and after that, after completing the 6 month training, they will also have their activity in several schools in Skopje with primary school children who show a lower level of mastery of the school material which is the ultimate goal of the project.

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