Three European MPs, Livia Jaroka, Romeo Franz and Peter Pollack, strongly support the IRU initiative - Roma Ombudsman

As part of the European Parliament Conference in Brussels on 1 October on Roma Future Policies focusing on the findings of the evaluation of the EU framework, as well as options for addressing them in a potential initiative after 2020, their participation besides the European IRU President Zoran Dimov also had a political elite.

As one of the segments for active political participation of Roma in the EU, an idea and decision was presented by the IRU - the Roma Ombudsman.

There was strong and unconditional support from all in attendance at the conference, but it must also be stressed that EP Vice President Livia Jaroka of Hungary, as well as Roma MPs in the EP Romeo Franz of Germany and Peter Pollack of Slovakia, gave their solid and strong support. regarding the Roma Ombudsman.

This is the first time that senior political figures from the EP have given their support for such an important and very important institutional segment, which is the initiative and decision of the IRU to form the Roma Ombudsman.

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