Zoran Dimov IRU President of the UN Form in Geneva: "The language of a people is the basis of its identity"

A Forum on Minority Issues "Education, Language and Human Rights of Minorities" was held in Geneva on 28 and 29 November at the United Nations Palace

In his brief address to the audience, IRU President Zoran Dimov said: "The role of language in education is part of a nation and that element expresses identity, culture, history as well as survival. In fact, the language of a nation is the basis of its identity."

He also emphasized the need for a functioning "Romaxi Ombudsman - Contact Point" institution, which in cooperation with European institutions will deepen the activism and greater control over the violation of fundamental human rights, with emphasis on the Roma nation.

During his stay, Dimov organized a number of meetings with prominent personalities from various countries around the world on the topic of language and human rights protection. He also met with key figures from European institutions, as well as UN representatives from India, Sheikhs from the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, South and North America, Asia, Veronica Michael, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and many others.









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