IRU and WCC agree - Together we can do much more!

The IRU Delegation led by President Zoran Dimov and Vice President Anatoly Butakov during their visit to Geneva, among other activities, also met with the senior members of the World Council of Churches - WCC.

Preparedness for cooperation between IRU and WCC during the meeting was expressed by both parties. This was also underlined during a meeting with the WCC General Secretary, Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, as well as the director of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Risto Jukko.

Both sides said that only with a unification action would make a major step forward in religious order and progress.

The emphasis was placed on the relations and the role of pastors - those who will pay more attention to religious education, culture and tradition among the Roma population, regardless of their age, gender and social status, in the study and implementation of God's messages in God's books .

In that direction, several meetings, meetings and gatherings will be initiated with the pastors, for which if necessary organizing trainings and workshops regarding the realization of those plans.

The satisfaction for cooperation was expressed at the very end of the meeting as well as the readiness for further communication as well as the realization of the agreements reached.

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