Grattan Puxon in an interview with Radio Belgrade: The Democratic Transition is a step forward

In his interview with Radio Belgrade, Grattan Puxon, as chairman of the IRU Committee on Democratic Transition, stressed the importance of this process, which is part of the future commitment of IRU.

The very idea originated exactly from Grattan Puxon and that idea and program was verified at the 10th IRU Congress in Skopje in March 2016 by the president of the IRE Zoran Dimov.

The whole process is entrusted to Grattan Puxon, who then started working with a team now known as DEMOS / Association for Democratic Transition and a formed computer system on a list of currently 4,700 potential voters around the world. He noted that he believes in the existence of a mandate for the Roma nation that will give legitimacy and will take responsibility of our freely existing national movement. With this mandate, increasing to 10,000 and finally to 100,000, will contribute to the recognition of the Roma nation.

He also noted that the current political stalemate of IRU was promoted by this composition of IRU headed by Zoran Dimov with the special ECOSOC status of IRU at the UN and its offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna.

This year will be banned on April 8 and August 2, when the next IRU Congress was due to be organized, but due to the general familiar situation with Bregzitto in the UK, the next IRU Congress with the electronic voting will be organized on the IRU 2021 jubilee when mark 50 years since the First World Roma Congress.

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