In Helsinki, Finland and IRU representatives at the 7-th Roma Women's Conference

From 25 to 27 March in Heliski, Finland, a Conference on the Roma woman is held with several topics for discussion.

Representatives from federal ministries and international organizations also take part in that conference. The International Roma Union - IRU is also participating in this important conference.

On behalf of IRU are its President Zoran Dimov and Vice-President Anatoly Butakov. IRU women's lobby, also a member of the ERTF, are the Chief of IRU Commision Rosita Gronfors, IRU Vice President Ajten Berlafa, who are also members of IRWN / Phenjalipe, whose president is Miranda Vuolasranta.

Among the high-ranking members present are Soraya Post, MEP from Sweden, Finnish MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen, Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland, Marja Ruotanen, Director of the Committees, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), etc.

Both days will discuss Roma and Travelers for easier access of Roma women to her rights as well as the implementation of the Quarterly Plans for Roma and Travelers' Inclusion (2016-2019), as well as the adoption of strategic documents. The conference is organized under the Finnish Presidency of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe.


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