IOM ready for joint cooperation with IRU

The International Organization for Migration - IOM is fully prepared for joint cooperation and realization of activities with the International Roma Union IRU.

This is the conclusion of the meeting in Geneva in the IOM office between the head of the office for cooperation with partner organizations Nicoleta Giordano and the representatives from IRU, President Zoran Dimov and Vice-President Anatoly Butakov.

During their meeting, the need for joint action in the field of migration was emphasized. The fact is that there is an increasing anti-mood disposition that is quite represented in international frameworks, and as relevant factors both the IOM and IRU are here to reduce this level of impatience and intolerance, as well as to help one of the most vulnerable communities in the world , among them the Roma community

The conclusion is that the contacts will continue and the cooperation and the realization of the prepared projects and their implementation will be further strengthened, with a clearly defined goal, the conclusions from this meeting between Nikoleta Jiordano and the representatives of IUU Zoran Dimov and Anatoly Butakov.

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