Zoran Dimov and Anatoly Butakov at the UN headquarters in Geneva: "IRU and UN strengthen mutual co-operation"

As part of the planned plans and activities, the two senior IRA representatives, President Zoran Dimov and Vice-President Anatoly Butakov, on February 15, after a previous invitation by the Geneva Office. the UN directorate in Geneva and the head of the office for cooperation with the NGO sector Lidija Grigoreva met the UN Palace in Geneva.

During the meeting, the two IRU representatives emphasized the moment and the cooperation between these two organizations. At the same time Zoran Dimov to Grigoreva and presented and gave the Strategy and Plan, as well as the Resolution of IRU, which was made together in cooperation with the European Roma Travel Forum -ERTF.

At the same time, the UN and IRU as well as the ERTF will raise the issues of a higher level of cooperation when it comes to the Roma nation, both from Europe and the whole world.
Chief Grigorieva expressed great satisfaction with the undertaken activities and preparations of the Start-up Plan and the resolution as well as the quality of the content of these very important documents, and mentioned that these strategic documents will be directly submitted to the UN Secretary General Gutieres.

At the same time, IRU representatives had meetings and talks with other senior UN officials in Geneva, such as the UNHCR Head of the NGO Sector Co-operation Section Monica Brulhart.

This act shows the readiness of an even stronger cooperation between the IRU and the UN in the future and jointly undertaken actions.


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