Why is it important to preserve the Romani language?
Interest in learning the Romani language in schools varies because the Roma community generally does not recognize the importance of cultivating the Romani language during schooling. Without a doubt, the Romani language, as one of the key elements of the Romani cultural identity, should certainly be nurtured both in the educational system and in the family.
In our show we talked with Mr. Ljuan Koka about the Romani language, how old is the Romani language, is our language being lost, what to do with it, how responsible are we as a community for such events.
For more information click on the link below.
"The project "Roma life through our lens!" is implemented within the Small Media Grants Program funded by the US Embassy and administered by the Media and Reform Center Niš. The views, opinions and conclusions expressed in the project do not necessarily express the views of the MRCN and the US Embassy, but solely those of the author."
Link: https://romaworld.rs/zasto-je-vazno-ocuvati-romski-jezik/