Roma are the most discriminated in Serbia

The largest number of civil complaints submitted to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in 2022 refer to discrimination based on nationality, age, health status, disability, gender, and the largest number were submitted due to discrimination against the Roma, the Commissioner's office announced.

Among the complaints based on nationality, the largest number was filed due to discrimination against the Roma national minority (87.7 percent), "which indicates the prevailing attitudes, social distance, stereotypes and prejudices faced by Roma men and women."

Most of the petitions were submitted due to discrimination in procedures before public authorities, and in the process of employment or at work.

Compared to previous years, the number of complaints due to discriminatory speech in public space, on social networks and in the media has also increased.

During the year, 3,300 citizens who expected help and support in exercising various rights and services contacted the commissioner, and the procedure was carried out in 1,879 cases.

The commissioner made 412 recommendations for measures to achieve equality and protection against discrimination, and the recommendations were acted upon in 88.4 percent of cases.



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