The Roma Party in Serbia filed a criminal complaint against Šapić

In connection with the discriminatory statement of the mayor Aleksandar Šapić about the Roma, the Roma party submitted a criminal complaint to the competent state authorities. The report states that Šapić committed a number of crimes in his speech by insulting the members of the Roma in the most rude way in order to expose the members of that national minority to public humiliation.

It is added that he did this by propagating racial hatred and inciting racial discrimination and, among other things, inciting national intolerance among the peoples living in Serbia.

"We apologize to all citizens of Serbia if they experienced discomfort from a member of the Roma community who behaved inappropriately.

"Each individual has his own name and surname and as such should experience the condemnation of the community," the statement said.

But "if anyone needs to be civilized, it is in any case Aleksandar Šapić", the Roma Party will point out.



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