Serbia: Submitted initiative for the introduction of the Romani and Albanian languages into official use

The Roma Center for Strategy, Development and Democracy submitted an initiative for the introduction of the Roma language into official use.

As stated in the letter sent to the state authorities of Serbia, it is requested to introduce this language where, based on the census, the Roma community has achieved this in the local self-government authorities.

They also submitted an initiative for the introduction of the Albanian language in official use throughout the territory of Serbia.

Within 15 days, the state authorities should inform the Roma Center for Strategy, Development and Democracy about what they have undertaken to comply with the Constitution of Serbia, laws and international obligations.

"After the expiration of the 15-day period, on April 8 we will publish a public announcement and take legal steps against the violators of the law and the Constitution, for which we will also inform international organizations and institutions," the statement said.

They add that Serbia is obliged to respect the rights and freedoms of minorities.

"If Serbia is on its way to the European Union, then it is obliged and obliged to respect the rights and freedoms of the minorities, in this case the Roma and the Albanians, but also the Egyptians, the Ashkali, the Gorani, the Bosniaks and the Turks who use the Albanian language. ", the announcement states.


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