A woman from Suto Orizari with uterine cancer and pus was not taken on dialysis because of the unpleasant smell

Forty-eight-year-old Seare from Suto Orizari is left at the mercy of a doctor in a catastrophic health condition related to her gynecological health, and for that the institutions of the system are both dumb and deaf. Ceare, in addition to having gynecological problems and being suspected of having uterine cancer, is also a dialysis patient and has to go for blood purification three times a week. However, ten days ago, the driver simply decided not to take her from home and not to take her on dialysis, because "she smelled a lot" and the other patients who were riding in the same organized van, complained. On top of that, the woman does not even have personal documents, she lives in extreme poverty in a half-empty room in the part of Suto Orizari called "ghetto" next to the illegal landfill, there is no heating, electricity, food, medicine or medical care!

Free Press contacted the Women's Initiative for Women in Suto Orizari, the only NGO that has done anything for the ailing, frail and neglected Ceare.

The director of the organization, Salija Bekir Halim, told "Free Press" that Seare is currently at home in Suto Orizari and is not taken care of in any health institution. To make matters worse, the woman's two children died.

He lives in very unfavorable conditions and in extreme poverty. In a small room, donated by people living abroad. There is no firewood or anything. We are trying to get a medical report and be able to place her in a palliative care institution, but for that someone has to cover the costs. Everyone distances themselves. The smell is not from lack of hygiene, but from pus and from which there is no one to treat it. "We bought antibiotics, some medicines in a short time, but her condition needs to be resolved institutionally," said Bekir Halim.

The only health institution that has done anything for Ceare so far is the Gynecology Clinic in the Mother Teresa Clinic Complex in Skopje. There, Seare was taken by private ambulance, again paid for by the NGO, where she was told she may have uterine cancer but that further tests were needed. And after this examination, she was released home, no additional examinations are done, she is directed to sit in pain and neglected in Suto Orizari.

After the examinations, the specialist told us that it was presumed to be advanced cervical cancer, which requires more detailed examinations to determine what type of cancer it is. She was prescribed home therapy, which we provided, and after all the examinations that were performed, we returned Seare home with the ambulance. We contacted the Dialysis Center where we explained the whole situation for Ceare and from there they agreed to continue her treatment, say the Women's Initiative from Suto Orizari, where they add that this woman is just one of the cases that end this way due to the lack of a registered gynecologist in Suto Orizari.

In a few days, Ceare will have no medicine or food, and there is no question of heating. The NGO Women's Rights Initiative will also contact the Center for Social Affairs in Skopje to make an effort to place the woman in a Geriatric Hospital in Skopje, the only health institution where they offered help, but again for that hospitalization a doctor is needed. report not yet available.

Meanwhile, Seare screams in pain for ten days in the cold room in Suto Orizari where he lives and is in poor health. As Ceare does not have personal documents, a transaction account for donations cannot be opened for her, so the NGO appeals if citizens want to donate for the woman, to do it in person at the premises of the NGO, on Indira Gandhi Street. 50.

She needs heating, food, hygiene products and medicines the most. According to the Center for Social Affairs, Ceare is listed as homeless because he lives in illegal construction. She is also not a beneficiary of any social rights.


Link: https://www.slobodenpecat.mk/zhena-od-shuto-orizari-so-kancer-na-matka-i-gnoj-ne-ja-nosele-na-dijaliza-poradi-neprijatniot-miris/?fbclid=IwAR0QYZBMPiZt0imt6wir7yC-Hqf1Mv4vO9hLCxY5EkJ8fwlS1iV3qXmn-NE

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