Italy looks like a boot, Albania like a condom, and Macedonia?

YouTuber Zackabier posted a video on his channel in which he illustrated what European countries remind him of.

In the video, he listed all EU countries, even non-members, including Macedonia.

He started the cute video with the question - Do you see in Europe what I see? He then asks if you have ever lay in the grass and looked up at the sky, wondering what exactly a cloud reminds you of.

"It's amazing how the shapes of the clouds resemble an object or an animal, it's the same with the contours of countries' borders," he said in the video.

Italy undoubtedly resembles a boot, Albania miraculously resembles a condom, Armenia resembles a shark, and Austria associates it with a fat snail.

Azerbaijan has fared better, with YouTube linking the shape of its borders to a bird of paradise, Belgium to a man praying, and Bosnia to a rocket.

While Croatia traditionally reminds people of muffins, and those who are more optimistic of a dove in flight, it seems that Game of Thrones has changed that perception, so Croatia now has the shape of a dragon.

Serbia is reminiscent of a dinosaur YouTuber, and Kosovo is associated with a ghost form.

Macedonia supposedly looked like a cauliflower flower, so see for yourself in the video if we could have had a better time






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