My position: It seems that the state has chosen the path of humiliating the Roma, there is no deputy minister Roma

Macedonia in the past was a leader country for Roma inclusion. The first Roma MP in Europe was Abdi Faik, Mayor and Minister Nezdet Mustafa Rom. The country was also proud of them and at all European meetings it was adorned with that gesture of equal involvement of the Roma in politics and government.

The text is aimed at ensuring the continuity of the good policies of the previous governments. SDSM by its ideology is a pro-minority party, so now they should have enabled the realization of this request of the Roma community.

With the inclusion of the Roma in the new Government, Macedonia could count on proven experts in the field of EU integration, international relations, diplomacy, human rights, advocacy for things that are important for the external image of the country. The Roma community also has good knowledge of culture, health, social rights or the economy.

The Roma are ready to help the state, and the question is how much SDSM and the coalition have proven to have reformist and progressive thinking for action?

But it seems that Macedonia, including the new Prime Minister, needs to reconsider its decision regarding the distribution of functions in the country.

The Roma community hoped that the planned plans for inclusion of Roma in society and in public institutions also provided for the appointment of Roma to managerial positions in state institutions that are vital for promoting the position of Roma in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

Regarding the deputy ministers, 9 are Albanians, 6 Macedonians and 2 Turks are on the list proposed by the government, and should be elected by this Assembly.

Among t. n. The second political echelon has no place for any Roma, Serb, Bosniak, Vlach or other smaller communities, although they actually represent 7% of the population in Macedonia.

My impression is that the state has chosen the path of humiliating the Roma, with a decision that there will be no Deputy Minister Roma. Maybe my perception is bad. If it is bad and incorrect - God, I apologize to you!

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