The Advocacy Network for Systemic Sustainable Solutions asks: Will this parliament finally rectify the injustice done to the Roma community?

On December 29 and 30, 2020, the Assembly of the Republic of Northern Macedonia organized a public hearing of candidates - Commissioners for members of the Commission for Prevention of Discrimination. A total of 44 candidates applied for the composition of this Commission. The question arises? Will this time finally, this composition of MPs will choose a Roma who in his experience dominates in all the required criteria.
Several sessions before the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, it adopted the amendments to the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination.
Although it has been concluded by many parties that the Roma are the most discriminated on several grounds in the past two compositions, it was not found appropriate to elect a Roma member of this Commission. This will be the third composition of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination, and whether it will be elected remains the responsibility of this parliamentary composition.
One of the strategic priorities of the Advocacy Network for systemic and lasting solutions is the appointment of a Roma member in the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination. The same Network in 2019 at several meetings organized performances with a proposal for representation with the person Mr. Toci Muhamed, representative of HDZR "Moon" - Gostivar.
The last attempt for composition of this Commission is taking place these days, where for the third time from 2018 to 2020, Mr. Muhamed Toci, Head of the Department for Human Rights and Interethnic Relations, Master of Laws with a para-judicial exam and 28 years of experience on this topic, Roma, who in his portfolio has great achievements in the field of equality and non-discrimination.
Will at least 61 MPs dare to vote for a member of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination and elect Mr. Muhamed Toci and correct the injustice inflicted by the past and give importance to the EU recommendations for the need for greater participation of the Roma community in society . This is an important signal for the EU as well, as the opening of Chapters 23 and 24 begins, which are precisely intended for the implementation and protection of minorities in the RSM, including the Roma, and here also including the Roma Strategy. Time will tell whether all this will be implemented.

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