This is what the new Covid passports will look like! Will it be possible to travel and go on vacation without a passport and without a vaccine !?

Information on whether anyone has had a coronavirus, if and when they have had a PCR test and if they have received a vaccine - all of which will be available in your passport passport in the future. The idea is widely circulated in many countries, and is mainly advocated by tourism workers and airlines who hope it can bring them relief during a pandemic. And some ordinary citizens do not mind, because they are convinced that in the future they will be able to travel more easily to their favorite destinations, which were inaccessible to them for almost a year.
Some world airlines have already announced the introduction of a passport passport as a condition for future flights. Thus, the Australian airline Qantas announced that vaccination against coyote will be mandatory for all its international passengers, but is considering the introduction of the same condition on domestic flights. Covid passports for people who have received the corona virus vaccine could become a reality in 2021, said the director of the Russian Fund for Direct Investments (RFPI), Kiril Dmitriev. We, of course, see that forged passports will be introduced. I think some countries will introduce them faster and others slower. But there is no doubt that there will be flights that will be linked to either Covid-19 testing or vaccination passports, he told Russia 24 television. In some countries, people who are vaccinated already receive such so-called kovid passports where it says on which day and with which vaccine they were vaccinated. In the UK, all vaccinated persons receive a card, which is still of no legal value and does not provide greater freedom regarding travel and other activities. It is a reminder with name and surname, code and date of vaccination, as well as when it is necessary to receive the second dose. France went the furthest, where the law was found in the Parliament, according to which only vaccinated people could use public transport, go to competitions, restaurants, concerts. Its adoption, however, has been delayed, at least temporarily. In many countries, the percentage of people who want to be vaccinated is very small, so the requirement to travel with a passport passport will meet with strong reactions.


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